November 1, 2021
Chiefs and Training Officers,
As you are aware, NFPA 1403 Standard on Live Fire Training establishes model safety standards for instructors and fire personnel participating in live fire training. While our live burn permit system is designed to support this standard and identify the members assigned to required instructor roles ahead of time, we have been asked by some departments to provide further explanation on the requirements of NFPA 1403 and the need for instructors when scheduling your department to conduct live fire evolutions at FRFS as a company drill.
There are a minimum of four (4) instructional positions to be filled at any live fire training evolutions. They include:
While we require a FRFS Safety Officer to be on site for all burns, you are welcome to supply your own certified instructors to run and supervise interior companies. If requested, FRFS will be happy to provide a Lead Instructor and additional instructors for your live fire training to free up your members to participate. We highly recommend you consider utilizing FRFS instructors to serve as the Instructor in Charge to coordinate and lead your training evolutions. They are experienced with our building and know the optimal fuel loads to provide a safe and effective educational experience for your members. If you provide your own instructors, we require you to list them on the live burn permit and provide proof of certification provided prior to your scheduled training date.
Assistant Chief Scott R. Bisson, MS, EFO
Training Officer
Here is a sample instructor command structure for a typical 2 line evolution (requires 5 instructors):
This supports a full department drill including four (4) Companies of up to five (5) members apiece and one (1) command officer, Note: The RIT should have an instructor assigned:
Call (203) 254-4708 to see if your preferred training date is available.
Complete the Live Burn Request Form online and be prepared to upload your Instructor(s) certifications, certificate of insurance and completed indemnification form.
The Live Burn Permit will be completed the day of the burn. Updated copies of the indemnification and certificate of insurance will need to be uploaded to the request form.